When is it not your culture’s fault? Season Finale

Release Date: May 29, 2024

You've probably heard or said, "I was raised that way." Is this a reason or an excuse? At what point should you do something about it if it is not in yours or other's self-interest.

DISCLAIMER: Some hard and difficult topics. If you are easily offended, this may not be for you. There are sometimes some hard topics and hard truths, and if you are not ready for it, i suggest maybe to revisit at a later time when you do feel more prepared.



Welcome to Eclipsed Views where we see what it would take to change our views. This is for self-help through Kaizen, a Japanese term for improvement in small increments.


Guests: Kevin Vazquez

We are citizens, colleagues, professionals, consumers, friends, family-members, teachers, learners, human beings.

Street Epistemology - Socratic Questioning

  • How did you come to that stance?

  • Are those reasons legitimate enough to continue to hold that stance?

Conjecture - Forming an opinion based on incomplete information.

How do you know when you have enough evidence to form an opinion?


Religion in Schools - Season 3 Premiere


Book Discussion - Mere Christianity