Salvador Melendez Salvador Melendez

Political Correctness

To be offended or not to be offended? That is the question. Who decides what should be offensive or not?Sometimes it appears others are being offended for other people. Who does this benefit? Is it getting the desired outcome? What are it’s pros and cons?

Release Date: December 9, 2022

To be offended or not to be offended? That is the question. Who decides what should be offensive or not?Sometimes it appears others are being offended for other people. Who does this benefit? Is it getting the desired outcome? What are it’s pros and cons?

DISCLAIMER: Some hard and difficult topics. If you are easily offended, this may not be for you. There are sometimes some hard topics and hard truths, and if you are not ready for it, i suggest maybe to revisit at a later time when you do feel more prepared.


Welcome to Eclipsed Views where we see what it would take to change our views. This is for self-help through Kaizen, a Japanese term for improvement in small increments.

DISCLAIMER: Some hard and difficult topics. If you are easily offended, this may not be for you. There are sometimes some hard topics and hard truths, and if you are not ready for it, i suggest maybe to revisit at a later time when you do feel more prepared.


OPTIONAL introduce skilled areas. Impact of bias on the listeners opinion.


  • Friends

  • Family

Length of time knowing each other.

  • Years

  • Months

  • Weeks

We are citizens, colleagues, professionals, consumers, friends, family-members, teachers, learners, human beings.

Street Epistemology - Socratic Questioning

  • How did you come to that stance?

  • Are those reasons legitimate enough to continue to hold that stance?

Conjecture - Forming an opinion based on incomplete information.

How do you know when you have enough evidence to form an opinion?

Topic - Political Correctness

Scenario - Scale from 1-100.

State your position. At the end we come back and see if the needle moved at all.

  1. You’re applying for a job that requires you to be politically correct to a high degree. This job would be paying you a good chunk of money that you/family could really benefit from. On a scale of 1-100 how likely are you to take the job?

    • Louie 10/10

    • Vero 98/90

    • Sal 60/60

  2. Someone rallied a group of people to vandalize your home/business/place of work. The person who rallied these people did not participate in the actions, but has been constantly talking to this group to do something. On a scale of 1-100. Should they be held equally accountable? 1 being not accountable, 100 accountable.

    • Louie 51/51

    • Vero 60/60

    • Sal 75/75

Scale of 1-10. 1 is strongly disagree 10 is strongly agree

  1. Morally acceptable to punch a Nazi

    • Louie 10

    • Vero 10

    • Sal 10

  2. Stripping citizenship of someone who burns the flag

    • Louie 2

    • Vero 2

    • Sal 1

  3. Law that requires use of transgender people’s preferred pronoun

    • Louie 1

    • Vero 2

    • Sal 1

  4. NFL player being fired for refusing to stand for national anthem

    • Louie 2

    • Vero 2

    • Sal 1

  5. Being fired for offensive posts

    • Louie 1

    • Vero 1

    • Sal 1

Questions to think about?

  1. Define Political correctness

    the avoidance, often considered as taken to extremes, of forms of expression or action that are perceived to exclude, marginalize, or insult groups of people who are socially disadvantaged or discriminated against.

    Vero - Not offending individuals who are different than yourself

    Louie - Prioritizing sensitivity over facts.

  2. Why did you choose this topic?

  3. What are the pros and cons to political correctness? Who does it benefit?

  4. Is voicing an unpopular opinion the same as being politically incorrect?

  5. How do you critique these groups without it being considered an “attack”

  6. Why are the ones that want political correctness trying to enforce it?

  7. Does it accomplish what it is trying to do?

  8. What would be a better solution?

  9. How did you come to that stance?

    Article on Politically incorrect terms

What about you? What are your thoughts? Let us know.

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