Season 2 Salvador Melendez Season 2 Salvador Melendez

"Just" & "Only"

Are these words toxic? Think of when you use these words. Are you using them to downplay a situation? Or are you using them to be very clear and specific. "It was 'just' one time!" vs "You can do it 'just' this one time!" Listen in and see if you agree with us.

Release Date: Sept 1, 2023

Are these words toxic? Think of when you use these words. Are you using them to downplay a situation? Or are you using them to be very clear and specific. "It was 'just' one time!" vs "You can do it 'just' this one time!" Listen in and see if you agree with us.

DISCLAIMER: Some hard and difficult topics. If you are easily offended, this may not be for you. There are sometimes some hard topics and hard truths, and if you are not ready for it, i suggest maybe to revisit at a later time when you do feel more prepared.




Welcome to Eclipsed Views where we see what it would take to change our views. This is for self-help through Kaizen, a Japanese term for improvement in small increments.


Guests: Carolina Gonzalez & James Cordova

We are citizens, colleagues, professionals, consumers, friends, family-members, teachers, learners, human beings.

Street Epistemology - Socratic Questioning

  • How did you come to that stance?

  • Are those reasons legitimate enough to continue to hold that stance?

Conjecture - Forming an opinion based on incomplete information.

How do you know when you have enough evidence to form an opinion?

Topic - Creative Career Paths

State your position. At the end we come back and see if the needle moved at all.

Scenario 1

Your friends are having a gathering that you are really looking forward to. As it nears, you start getting feeling a sick and develop an average cough. Nothing to bad but nothing too minor. As you explain to your friends,

On a scale of 1-10, how likely are you to use “just” or “only”. I JUST have a cough or i have a cough. 0 being not likely at all, and 10 being very likely.

  • Carol - 1/3

  • James - 6/2

  • Vero - 2/2

  • Sal - 7/4

Scenario 2

You have a colleague, friend/family-member that is giving you constructive criticism over something that is either our of your control, or is unimportant to you. They are somewhat persistent and you confront them about it. They say I’m JUST trying to help.

On a scale of 1-10, how different is it to you that they used “just”?

- Carol - 2/2

- James - 1/1

- Vero - 2/4

- Sal - 2/1

What about you? What are your thoughts? Let us know.

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Season 2 Salvador Melendez Season 2 Salvador Melendez

Creative Career Paths

Is it worth following a creative career path? Fine arts, music, art, dancer, writer. Student loans are expensive. Is it worth the return on investment? Can you get hired or live a sustainable life with/without a degree?

Release Date: August 18, 2023

Is it worth following a creative career path? Fine arts, music, art, dancer, writer. Student loans are expensive. Is it worth the return on investment? Can you get hired or live a sustainable life with/without a degree?

DISCLAIMER: Some hard and difficult topics. If you are easily offended, this may not be for you. There are sometimes some hard topics and hard truths, and if you are not ready for it, i suggest maybe to revisit at a later time when you do feel more prepared.




Welcome to Eclipsed Views where we see what it would take to change our views. This is for self-help through Kaizen, a Japanese term for improvement in small increments.


Guests: Maggie Vargas

We are citizens, colleagues, professionals, consumers, friends, family-members, teachers, learners, human beings.

Street Epistemology - Socratic Questioning

  • How did you come to that stance?

  • Are those reasons legitimate enough to continue to hold that stance?

Conjecture - Forming an opinion based on incomplete information.

How do you know when you have enough evidence to form an opinion?

Topic - Creative Career Paths

State your position. At the end we come back and see if the needle moved at all.

Scenario 1

Your son/daughter wants to go into a creative career path (art/dance/music) but their art teacher is highly recommending against it. They are not seeing the long-term potential that other student’s would have already displayed at that same point in time. The teacher is very accomplished and experienced, so you know they are coming from a place of truth. On a scale of 1-10, do you 1, interfere, or 10 let them make that decision on their own. **NO 5’s**

- Maggie 8/8

- Vero 7/5.5

- Sal 4/7

Scenario 2

If you had to solely rely on your artistic craft, meaning not teaching or already being “famous”, how sustainable would it be for your current lifestyle? On a scale of 1-10, 1 being not a t all, and 10 very sustainable. **NO 5’s**

- Maggie 6/5.3

- Vero 3/4

- Sal 1/1

Scenario 3

We’ve gotten rid of creative studies in public education. Primary and higher education. It’s been 10 years and society has flourished, there is less poverty, everyone is making a decent living, but everything visually is very similar. Very “cookie-cutter”. On a scale of 1-10, would you trade in yours and everybody’s more established lifestyle to bring back a more artistic world? 1 being no way and 10 definitely **NO 5’s**

- Maggie 9/9

- Vero 6/6

- Sal 6/6

Questions to think about?

1. Define: Creative

having the quality of something [created]( rather than imitated

2. Define: Sustainable

of or relating to a lifestyle involving the use of sustainable methods

What about you? What are your thoughts? Let us know.

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