Best decision-making tip for graduates and young adults.

Congratulations You Graduated!

You get to do cool stuff like adults right!

Some of it is cool.

Make your own decisions, like have dessert first, or go to sleep late.

(you’re gonna pay for them when you’re 30!)

I’m Sal Melendez. I have been a fine arts teacher for 13 years. I started GENtigrater to help you with things that they don’t teach you in school.

Problem-solving, and decision making and finances, and things adults say to you as kid and you’ll either finally understand why we say that or why it was BS. You realizing we’re all just winging it. This is the beginning of your adult life, and it’s okay to be unsure and uneasy.

Best decision making tip

Cost/benefit analysis.

What is this decision costing you, whether it’s time or money or both, and what am I getting out of this.

  1. College - You’re going to be recruited for different things, jobs, internships, clubs.

    • Do they cost money or make money?

    • Time investment - work/school/life balance.

    • Delayed gratification - is this something that’s going to pay-off in the long run. Is the pay off going to be worth it.

  2. Work-force - Make it worth your while and don’t get stuck in a job.

    • Don’t jump into a job right away. Making no money to some money seems great, but you gotta start thinking ahead. Short-term and long term goals, such as moving our of your house, or buying a car, etc.

    • Being able to move up. You don’t want to be stuck in the same position where you get stuck making the same amount of money. There needs to be opportunities for advancement in your position or at the very least a contractual raise every so often.

This is just the start.

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