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What We All Want From El Paso Events

Many times in El Paso we don’t hear about an event until after the fact. We see friends posting about the event they just attended, and we didn’t even know it was occurring. Sometimes even big events like a tour or big name artist. What’s worse is that we were available, and had nothing to do!

Other times, even if we do attend an event, it is poorly run, leaving us with lots of questions. Events are beneficial to businesses for entering new markets, giving the community things to do, and to build stronger relationships in the community. But things can go south real quick if we don’t plan correctly. Here are some tips that will have people eagerly waiting for the next event.

Announce and Advertising

Announce your event as soon as it is confirmed. If you don’t have all the details, simply state that details will be coming soon. This at least puts a bug in the pubilc’s ear that they need to watch out for this event. An online poll showed that if people are interested in an event, they would like to know WEEKS ahead of time. Depending on the size of the event, I would recommend 6 weeks for smaller events to 6 months for larger events.

Next step is to advertise. Advertising has definitely changed. There is a learning curve, but for the better. Advertising has become more efficient and more targeted.

Traditional vs Digital

You can get a billboard for an average of about $3,000. A TV/radio commercial for about $5-$500 per second of airtime depending on the reach of your area. This CAN reach a lot of people, but do they all need to be reached?

Although this sounds good in theory, it is better to accept that not everybody is going to be in your market. Would you air a commercial for women’s hygiene products to a male audience? Even if you aired to everybody, it is only being 50% effective (assuming women make up 50% of this audience).

This is how digital marketing is more effective. People share their interests, have formed behaviors and patterns on the platforms. When you place a digital ad, you have the ability to target these very specific pattern. Omni-Versal is constantly learning new techniques and strategies to make digital marketing more effective. If this is an area you are struggling with, and are in the El Paso, TX areas, contact us for a quote. The video below breaks down the main differences between traditional and digital.

Variety of ads

Once you start learning more details about your event, release them as you find out. This builds anticipation. As you start releasing info, it is more easily digestible. For example let’s say you are doing a themed event. You have confirmed a special guest. Run an ad based on this guest. You have confirmed a special activity, run an ad announcing this activity. You are releasing a new product for the event, run an ad announcing this product.

This helps target different markets. And you can start to see which one may be more popular and more in demand, and plan accordingly for it BEFORE the event. Digital ads offer you demographic info to help you understand what to expect.

Size of the Event

Something that can make an event terrible is being unprepared for the turnout. Especially if the venue is too small for the amount of people. It’s great to have a great turnout, but the lack of preparation can turn some people off to future events.

With your digital advertising, try to start getting a feel for how many people to expect. Are there a lot of interactions, such as commenting, and sharing. Ask questions to see the engagement. Facebook events gives people the option to let you know if they will be attending. Not everyone that claims they will attend will attend.

About 10-25% of people will not show up after saying they will. You can alsorequire a ticket, even if they are free. This can give you more information as to what to expect and plan accordingly.

Competing/Coinciding with Other Events

When you are going to plan an event, you have to research as to what else may be going on that day that can hurt or help out your event.

For example, let’s say you have a business downtown, and they are doing the lighting of the Christmas tree. You should have promos and products that go along with this event. This would not be a great time for you to do your Hawaiian night luau. People in the area are in a different mindset. Even if you had a people interested in an anti-Christmas party, would this be the best time and place to do it?

Another example is if there is another event going on that has the same market(customers). For example, if you are setting up an art event, are there any other art events that may pull from your event? Are your artists going to be torn between choosing your event or the other?

This is the reason movies won’t release if they know they have to compete with a blockbuster movie like a Marvel movie. Sometimes avoiding the release for several weeks because they know this will be pulling movie-goers.

Help Us Picture Ourselves at the Event

You need photos and video of your event or setting. If it is the first time doing an event, then you may not have video or photos of real people attending your event. Show pictures of the event location with decor set up for the event. Go LIVE on social media to showcase the venue or how it is going to transform.

I like to know what to expect from an event, and at times has been a deterrent if it is a location I have never been to, and there are no photos. It has also left a bad taste in my mouth if stock photography was used. Stock photography and video are generic photos and videos. For example, if an event used generic photos or video of people at the event, and once I arrive it was not like it was in the photo, I feel deceived. If you need event photos and video for an announcement, contact us. This is not what was “promised.” Ease people into the environment so they know what to expect


Most people don’t really feel comfortable with port-a-potties. We use them because it is better than nothing. Some would prefer to go elsewhere before the event. So whatever info you can provide about this is great.

Also, have people that are going to be constantly monitoring bathroom situations for cleanliness. Supplies, such as soap, towels, and trash. Many events have been ruined by poor bathroom situations.


This has been a HUGE deterrent for me. If I am familiar with a location and know it has a terrible parking situation, I will not attend. I don’t mind paying for parking, but also as long as I am aware of it ahead of time. I do not like surprise expenses and neither does the public. Make this perfectly clear as to what to expect from parking.

If I do not know what to expect from parking, and it is a terrible situation, I will leave. If the venue has future events, I will not attend until the situation is dealt with.

What is considered terrible parking:

  • Small capacity - small lots where you have to wait for others to leave to get a spot.

  • Dirt lots - No maintenance, potholes, big rocks, debris that can damage tires or flying up from other vehicles. Well maintained gravel lots are fine.

  • Unorganized - Sometimes when there are big lots, there should be people directing traffic to know where to park to make it more efficient. When nobody directs, we get spots that are wider than they should be, taking up valuable room.

  • Tight maneuvering - When the parking lot is so small that it feels like we can barely drive around each other.

  • Paid vs FREE - Either one is fine, as long as it is made perfectly clear what is to be expected

  • Security - We are a fairly safe city, so even if it is in broad daylight with eyes capable of seeing something. No obstructions. Good lighting. Close to the venue where people coming and going can see suspicious behavior.


Use social media to give people updates! Updating a website may be hard to do on the spot. Have a link on the homepage that is specifically for updates. CLEARLY VISIBLE. The link should take you to whichever social media platform your are going to use for the updates. Use this to update WEATHER, parking changes, traffic, schedule changes, entrances, policy updates. Anything that has changed that was not part of the original plan.


Leave very little room for unanswered questions. Have an FAQ section clearly accessible answering the following 6 questions.

  1. When?

    • Date

    • Start time AND end time

    • Best time to arrive or head over

  2. Where?

    • Venue

    • Indoor or Outdoor

    • How to get there

    • Where you can park (free or paid)

    • Public transit routes

    • Landmarks

  3. Booking

    • Do you have to buy tickets in advance

    • Different prices and packages clearly explained

    • Limited availability?

  4. Audience

    • Family-Friendly

    • Age groups (over 18 or 21)

  5. Items allowed

    • Bag check

    • Water bottles

    • Strollers

    • Metal detector

  6. Food?

    • Food availability

    • Types of food

    • Outside food allowed

    • Seating for food

    • Price range

    • Alcohol (wristbands)

Think about it from the attendee’s perspective. Walk in their shoes. Leaving the house. What do you would take or not take? What time to leave? Best routes. Where to park and how much.

Items allowed signs need to be in the parking lot! People get upset when they are inconvenienced for something that should’ve been made clear well before even leaving the house. There should be little room for confusion or reason for misunderstanding.

Depending on the event, what food will be available. Do they accommodate lifestyle diets, allergies, kid friendly, and price ranges.

This is just a start and a basic frame work. Leave a section where you can be reached if it is a more specific question that was not addressed. And ANSWER in a timely manner. Not answering quickly makes the event appear unorganized.

We will have this available as an easy to use checklist to our email subscribers to make sure your event is a success!

See this form in the original post

Events are a great way to attract new people and markets to your business. Here are some other ways to attract more people to your event.