Electoral College, Explain it to Me Like I’m in 5th Grade

I asked ChatGPT…

…to explain the electoral College to me in simpler terms. Something an adult would comprehend more, like a neighborhood. This is what I got.

Can you provide a thought experiment on a smaller scale of how the US electoral college is useful. Maybe down to a neighborhood.

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Check out the video explanation of what this meant to me and how I interpreted this information.

ChatGPT said:


Certainly! Let's imagine a neighborhood made up of several different blocks. Each block has a different number of residents, and they have different priorities and preferences.


You have a neighborhood with three blocks:

  • Block A has 50 residents.

  • Block B has 30 residents.

  • Block C has 20 residents.

Now, let's say the neighborhood wants to decide on a new community project: should they build a new park or a swimming pool?

Popular Vote Approach:

If you just count every resident's vote equally, the majority rules.

  • Block A: 40 residents want a park, 10 want a pool.

  • Block B: 10 residents want a park, 20 want a pool.

  • Block C: 5 residents want a park, 15 want a pool.

If we count up all the votes:

  • Park: 55 votes

  • Pool: 45 votes

The park wins, because Block A had a majority, and it’s the largest block.

Electoral College Approach:

Now, imagine each block gets one vote, and the block’s decision is based on its own majority vote (like an electoral vote).

  • Block A: Majority wants a park, so Block A’s one vote goes to the park.

  • Block B: Majority wants a pool, so Block B’s one vote goes to the pool.

  • Block C: Majority wants a pool, so Block C’s one vote goes to the pool.

Now, let’s count the block votes (like electoral votes):

  • Park: 1 vote (Block A)

  • Pool: 2 votes (Blocks B and C)

Even though the popular vote favored the park, the electoral system favors the pool. This is because Blocks B and C, though smaller, combined their preferences to outweigh Block A’s larger population.

Why It Matters:

This system ensures that the smaller blocks (or states, in the real Electoral College) aren't completely ignored by the larger block (or state) just because they have fewer people. It forces candidates (or project proponents) to appeal to a broader range of interests rather than just focusing on the most populous areas.

So, in this neighborhood, the electoral college system helps ensure that the smaller blocks have a significant voice in the decision, rather than being overwhelmed by the largest block’s preferences.

You said:

In this example. Would all blocks be of equal size?

ChatGPT said:


In the example I provided, the blocks are not of equal size in terms of population, but each block is given an equal "vote" when using the electoral college approach. This is similar to how the U.S. Electoral College gives each state a certain number of electoral votes, with smaller states having a minimum number of votes to ensure they are represented, even if their populations are much smaller.

To clarify:

  • Population Size: The blocks have different population sizes (Block A: 50 residents, Block B: 30 residents, Block C: 20 residents).

  • Voting Power: In the electoral college approach, each block, regardless of population size, gets one vote. This means each block's decision (whether it’s for the park or the pool) is represented equally when the final decision is made, even though the blocks are of different sizes.

This disparity between population size and voting power is key to understanding the dynamics of an electoral college system. It gives smaller groups (like Blocks B and C) more influence than they would have in a straight popular vote, where Block A's larger population would dominate.

You said:

Is the electoral college made to account for land mass also? If there are states that have little population, but a lot of land vs a lot of population on small amounts of land…

ChatGPT said:


The U.S. Electoral College is not explicitly designed to account for land mass; rather, it balances population size and state representation.

Here's how it works:

  1. Population Representation:

    • Each state's number of electoral votes is primarily based on its population. This is because the number of electoral votes a state has is the sum of its representatives in the House (which is population-based) and its two senators (which is equal for all states, regardless of size or population).

    • States with larger populations get more electoral votes because they have more representatives in the House of Representatives.

  2. State Representation:

    • Every state, regardless of population or land size, gets two additional electoral votes representing its two senators. This means that smaller states have a slightly higher proportion of influence compared to their population size alone. For instance, Wyoming (a small population but large land area) has 3 electoral votes, while California (a large population but relatively small land area) has 54 electoral votes.

Land Mass vs. Population:

  • Land Mass: The Electoral College does not give any explicit weight to the physical size of a state. Large states in terms of land area like Alaska, Montana, and Wyoming do not get more electoral votes because of their land size. Their electoral votes are based on population plus the fixed number of two Senate-based electoral votes.

  • Population: States with large populations but smaller land areas, such as New York or California, have significantly more electoral votes because they have many more representatives in the House.

Practical Impact:

  • While land mass isn't directly considered, the structure of the Electoral College does give more influence to less populated states, many of which happen to have large land areas. This is due to the "Senate effect," where every state gets two electoral votes regardless of population.


  • California (a large population, small land mass) has 54 electoral votes because of its large population.

  • Wyoming (a small population, large land mass) has 3 electoral votes, which is relatively high given its small population because of its guaranteed two Senate-based votes.

In summary, while the Electoral College doesn’t account for land mass directly, its structure ensures that smaller states (which often have more land but fewer people) are not entirely overshadowed by the more populous states. This helps balance the interests of states with different population densities, though the balance is more about political power between states rather than a direct land vs. population consideration.

You said:

Can you run the thought experiment again with the electoral college for a neighborhood, but this time account for proportional votes. Representatives for population per block, and also representative per block, as the house and senate representatives.

ChatGPT said:


Certainly! Let’s expand on the neighborhood thought experiment, introducing a more detailed analogy with proportional representation similar to the U.S. Electoral College, which includes both House (population-based) and Senate (equal representation) aspects.


You still have a neighborhood with three blocks:

  • Block A: 50 residents

  • Block B: 30 residents

  • Block C: 20 residents

Voting System Breakdown:

  1. House of Representatives Equivalent (Population-Based):

    • The neighborhood will allocate a certain number of "representative votes" based on population. For simplicity, let’s assign one representative for every 10 residents:

      • Block A: 5 representatives (because 50 residents)

      • Block B: 3 representatives (because 30 residents)

      • Block C: 2 representatives (because 20 residents)

  2. Senate Equivalent (Equal Representation):

    • Each block, regardless of population, gets 2 "senate votes":

      • Block A: 2 senate votes

      • Block B: 2 senate votes

      • Block C: 2 senate votes

Total Electoral Votes:

Each block’s total electoral votes is the sum of its representative votes and senate votes.

  • Block A: 5 (House) + 2 (Senate) = 7 electoral votes

  • Block B: 3 (House) + 2 (Senate) = 5 electoral votes

  • Block C: 2 (House) + 2 (Senate) = 4 electoral votes

Voting Preferences:

Let’s say the residents’ preferences for a park versus a pool are the same as before:

  • Block A: 40 residents want a park, 10 want a pool.

  • Block B: 10 residents want a park, 20 want a pool.

  • Block C: 5 residents want a park, 15 want a pool.

Block-Level Decisions:

Each block votes internally, and the block’s electoral votes go to the majority preference within that block:

  • Block A: Majority for the park, so all 7 of Block A’s electoral votes go to the park.

  • Block B: Majority for the pool, so all 5 of Block B’s electoral votes go to the pool.

  • Block C: Majority for the pool, so all 4 of Block C’s electoral votes go to the pool.

Tallying the Electoral Votes:

  • Park: 7 electoral votes (Block A)

  • Pool: 9 electoral votes (Blocks B and C)


  • The pool wins with 9 electoral votes versus 7 for the park.


  • Population Influence (House Votes): Block A, with the largest population, has the most House representatives, giving it the most votes in the House component. However, it still doesn’t dominate the outcome because the Senate component gives smaller blocks more relative influence.

  • Equal State Representation (Senate Votes): Blocks B and C, despite having fewer people, get the same number of Senate votes as Block A. This equal representation in the Senate component means their collective decision can outweigh the larger Block A’s preference.

Why It’s Important:

This system ensures that both population size (the House component) and equal representation (the Senate component) play a role in the final decision, similar to how the U.S. Electoral College balances the influence of more populous states with less populous ones. Smaller blocks (like smaller states) still have significant influence, ensuring their interests aren’t completely overshadowed by the more populous blocks.


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