About Eclipsed Views


Welcome to Eclipsed Views. Where we take difficult topics and try to identify what’s blocking your view. Try to unlearn and rewash and possibly rewire our brains since we don’t seem to be having much luck changing other people’s views.

This is for self-help through kaizen, a Japanese concept of continuous improvement through small increments.

We hear topics in politics,

social media, academia,

friends and family,

you wonder about yours and their mentality.

Our thoughts and actions aren’t in conjuction

And realize there may be an obstruction

The sky appears a different shade of blue

when we realize we may be in the shadow of an eclipsed view

— Eclipsed Views


"I'm new here. Talk to me!" - Speech Milestones Year 2 (12-24 months)


What should baby really be able to say bay age 1? Speech Milestones Year 1 (0-12 months)